John Henry Newman. Via Wikimedia Commons.

The famous saints still winning over hearts and minds

Dr Rebekah Lamb says St Thérèse and the soon-to-be-Saint Cardinal Newman have more in common than one might think, and argues that they can direct us to the freedom that comes through the truth of Christ.

"In her autobiography, Story of a Soul, St Thérèse of Lisieux says that Jesus granted her ‘the grace of penetrating into the mysterious depths of charity.’ We need look no farther afield than Scotland this past month to see how Thérèse’s ‘depths of charity’ have touched so many across this country in personal, local ways.

The visit of the relics of St Thérèse was very touching for me, personally, because this French mystic of the ‘little way’ is my family’s patron. Thérèse was a pivotal player in my parents’ conversion to Catholicism, which happened shortly after they were married and just as they were starting a family."


Read the full article on the Scottish Catholic Observer.