Easter 2024. The CL poster
This year, the words of Pope Francis and Fr. Giussani are accompanied by Duccio di Buoninsegna's "The Appearance of Christ behind closed doors".This, then, is what the Passover of the Lord accomplishes: it motivates us to move forward, to leave behind our sense of defeat, to roll away the stone of the tombs in which we often imprison our hope, and to look with confidence to the future, for Christ is risen and has changed the direction of history.
Pope Francis
The Christian event is God who enters into the life of the human person and into human history. And I am a Christian because He, God, is present among us and will be present always until the end of the world. That child grew to manhood, died and rose, and in rising inhabits history irresistibly, attracting people to Himself, and their unity constitutes His Body, mysterious Body, or People of God.
Luigi Giussani
The video-poster 2024
- easterposter2024-english.pdf 311 KBEaster 2024
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