Food Banks: The Assembly with Carrón

"What does it mean to you to become aware of your true need? What does this introduce into your life?" We publish the notes from the national assembly on the Food Banks.

Andrea Franchi (aka “Branco”): Welcome, all of you, to the 12th national assembly of the “Banchi di Solidarietà” (Food Banks). A warm welcome to you and to those who are following us via video link in 50 cities. I immediately want to thank don Julián, here with us to help us look deeply into our experience of the charitable work we carry out; namely, that of the Food Banks. As you know, we have set ourselves the task in these months of comparing our experience to the dialogue Julián engaged in with the CLU students, which was published in May’s Traces. This is to continue on a path. In this brief introduction, I particularly wish to underline the moment in that dialogue in which Julián tells us that the act we are carrying out is much greater than what we may see.
