"Almond Blossoms" by Vincent Van Gogh. Via Wikimedia Commons

Fraternity Spiritual Exercises 2018: Friday Night's Introduction

Notes from the introduction of the 2018 Fraternity Exercises titled “See, I am doing something new: do you not perceive it?" (Rimini, April 27).
Julián Carrón

“See, I am doing something new: do you not perceive it?” The capacity to perceive things belongs to the nature of the human being, and is part of our greatness, unmatched by any other creature. Unfortunately, we often tend to take things for granted and live superficially. Yet who among us, looking at the faces in Caravaggio’s painting and listening to the Fac ut ardeat cor meum in the Stabat Mater by Dvorak, did not desire to be seized like those people, who were overwhelmed by a knowledge of Christ that penetrated their hearts? But we wonder how we can ever know Him this way, fragile as we are. This is why Jesus offers us a great consolation: “You need the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will lead you to the full truth.” Let us then ask the Holy Spirit to lead us to a knowledge of Christ present in reality and history that makes our heart burn within us.
