Letters - 2015 - Page 2

Surprise After Not Meeting the Pope


If someone told me attending the Mass with the Pope at the World Meeting of Families entailed 6 months of planning only to ride 26 hours, stand in line for 5 hours, not lay eyes on the pope or receive the Eucharist, I probably would have said...

To Live Each Day with Dignity


I just want to share with you that last week one of my patients asked me, very discretely, what I thought about Governor Brown’s signing of the euthanasia bill...

Newtown, Connecticut: Witnesses of Life


Newtown, Connecticut is the town where on December 14, 2012, 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children and 6 adult staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Beginning Again in the West


I´m very grateful for our Beginning Day. Yesterday I saw simple people, taking the risk and obeying what Other was asking them, being witnesses, sharing with certainty their experience of encounter with Jesus...

Every Day is Monday


Many times throughout his pontificate, Pope Francis has called us to "go to the periphery." In the Northwest CL community, we often joke that he's talking about us...

A Dear Friend in Aleppo


Thank you for what you are trying to do for all of us: to be the “good Samaritan” for your suffering brothers in Aleppo...

The Life of Andrea


”Ziba, if I write a letter to Fr Giussani, will he ever read it?” “Why shouldn’t he?” “I am nobody, he doesn’t know me.” “Andrea, don’t worry. Write it.”

Friend from Taiwan


Yesterday Mary, Ellyonore and myself went to meet Claire for the first time. It was one of those beautiful fall days in Southern California California; we met at Almansor Park in Alhambra...

Saltines and Sprite


My first week here was less than stellar: I was ill from either the food or the water, and was struggling to adjust to speaking Spanish 24/7...

He is here: Philadelphia


The alarm clock awakened us at 3 AM on September 22nd. This was the start of our pilgrimage to Philadelphia...

A New Outlook


I was lucky enough to have to the papal masses for both John Paul II and Benedict XVI. As different as those popes were, when those masses were among the top, great moments of my life...

Love and Mercy in Madison Square Garden


I have been to MSG for many concerts and basketball games since I was a kid as I am sure many of those present had been. Now MSG was being used for a different reason...

He Chooses


As I waited outside my church where 80 people from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut were waiting to get on two buses rented weeks prior for the papal mass in Philadelphia, I could be nothing other than extremely nervous...

An Important Person for our Lives


My wife Letizia asks our 12 years old son Lorenzo: ‘So, how was your weekend in Philadelphia with Daddy?’ Lorenzo answers...

The Wound and the Caress


Giorgio shared his witness at the Spiritual Exercises for adults and young workers; a story of the rediscovery of the victory of Christ.

A Mission of Peace


“I thank you for the work that you will do in helping me spread my mission of peace”, the Holy Father told the Press Corps, lifting off from Rome on his nine-day trip to Cuba and the United States...

Friends at a U2 Concert


The thirst for innocence was a son crying out the name of his mother, Iris, with a longing to be held and a desire to bear her memory...

Reflection from the Foot of the Matterhorn


After my eleven-hour flight to Milan, followed by a 3-hour bus trip to far-northern Italy, I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the area chosen for the International Responsibles Assembly...