News - 2001

Priests receiving ordination. Wikimedia Commons


SchoolJose Medina

On June 23rd in Rome, seven members of the Priestly Fraternity of St Charles Borromeo were ordained to the priesthood. One of them wrote a report of his year just spent teaching high school in Boston. His relationship with the students and their questions

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. Wikimedia Commons

The Form of Life

ChurchAndrea Tornielli

Cardinal Ratzinger’s new book on the spirit of the liturgy. A deliberately thought-provoking text.“Liturgy goes beyond the act of worship to impact all of daily life, which in turn must become ‘liturgical,’ a service to change the world”.

Ernest Hemingway. Wikimedia Commons

A Mad Love for Life

CultureGiancarlo Giojelli

Soldier, womanizer, wanderer, journalist, winner of the Pulitzer and Nobel Prizes for literature. The portrait of a man in search “of an adventure which can give meaning to every instant.” Fourty years after his death

Painted Cross. Wikimedia Commons

The Mystery Within the Painted Cross

CultureMarco Bona Castellotti

Over the course of centuries: from Christ alive and triumphant to Christ dead and patiens. A voyage of discovery of the iconographical subject that combines and embraces both the human and divine natures of the Son of God.

'Christ Blessing the Children' by Nicolaes Maes via Wikimedia Commons

The True Mystery of a Fact

SchoolGiancarlo Ronchi and Vera Drufuca

Monica, the 17-year-old girl killed by a classmate in Milan, Italy. A tragedy that struck the 800 students and teachers of her school. The testimony of two teachers who lead the GS student group at the school.

The Stock Market. Wikimedia Commons

A Bottle and Work

CultureGiancarlo Cesana

For work to exist, it has to have a meaning. The same is true for businesses, whether big or small. We are together to live and testify to the meaning of everything. The beginning of a struggle in the world. Reflections about adults at work.

Dublin, Ireland. Via Wikimedia Commons

A Foretaste of Heaven

Current EventsPaola Ronconi

What unites a university professor, a physician, and the president of a country? That which unites all men. In the center of Dublin, on the evening of November 13th, the presentation of the first book of the Trilogy.

Fireman among the rubble from the Twin Towers. Wikimedia Commons

God Bless America!

Current EventsJerry Mahon

What is urgent for Americans now is asking themselves which God they follow, and not to follow the example of the Pharisee. It is time to invoke the mercy of God who welcomes sinners, like the publican, and is severe with those who are respectable.

9/11 World Trade Center Attack. Flickr

From America… and the World

Current Events

E-mails, letters, faxes… After September 11th, many friends wrote to us. The American tragedy seen from five continents. Below are some excerpts.

World Trade Center Memorial. Flickr

Pain and Judgement

Current EventsMaurizio Maniscalco

When the dramatic dimensions of the tragedy of September 11th began to come into focus, as I watched my fellow New Yorkers I was struck by one thing above all others: the sense of bewilderment and pain

'Resurrection' by William Congdon via Flickr

Return To America

Current EventsRodolfo Balzarotti

50 years ago, Life magazine hailed him as one of the US's most talented painters. Then he disappeared from the art world for over 30 years. 3 years after his death, William Congdon returns to his fatherland with a retrospective in Providence.

Aerial view of the World Trade Center site in September 2001. Wikimedia Commons

Journal From Wounded Manhattan

Current EventsMarco Bardazzi

Here is an up close and personal account of the effects of the attacks on September 11th on the residents of New York City and just how such an event shaped the community which was directly attacked. How do we find order in the chaos?

Priests receiving ordination. Wikimedia Commons


Current EventsJosé Medina

On June 23rd in Rome, seven members of the Priestly Fraternity of St Charles Borromeo were ordained to the priesthood. One of them wrote a report of his year teaching at a high school in Boston- his relationship with the students and their questions.

Rice farmer in Sierra Leone. Wikimedia Commons

New Grass of Africa

Current EventsRiccardo Piol

In this African country torn apart by civil war, the faithful presence of the missionaries helping the most badly hit population. During a visit of AVSI leaders, the encounter with Father Berton and his Xaverian Confreres.

Miami, Florida. Wikimedia Commons

Success Is the Top. Life Is More

Current EventsMaurizio Maniscalco

The first public gesture of the Miami community. A round table on The Religious Sense with a very provoking title. Speakers were Msgr. Albacete, David Horowitz, and Brother Richard DeMaria, Superintendent of Catholic Schools for Miami.

John Henry Newman. Wikimedia Commons

Admiral Nelson, Newman, and Giussani

Current EventsAlberto Savorana

The presentation of The Religious Sense in the capital of the United Kingdom. In the fatherland of Empiricism, an apologia of reason open to reality. For the community, a testimony of belonging that increased everyone’s certainty.

Kampala, Uganda. Flickr

Mercy in Acholi Quarter

Current EventsRodolfo Casade

Little Reagan, Frances, Jenny, Vicky… Acholi Quarter on the outskirts of Kampala, where for five years the Meeting Point has helped 156 AIDS patients. “The others do for them, we do with them.”

Montréal, Canada. Wikimedia Commons

To The Peoples of Canada

Current EventsJohn Zucchi

The exhibit “From the Land to the Peoples” in the Grand Séminaire in Montreal. The phases of preparation and inauguration. The discovery of something new in the concreteness of early Christianity.

A 3D medical animation still of Ebola virus. Wikimedia Commons

The Mystery of Lacor

Current EventsAndrea Costanzi

The Ebola epidemic. The story of Doctor Matthew and other staff at St. Mary’s Hospital, who gave their lives for the patients infected with Ebola. A testimony till martyrdom.